Cake Pan Preparation
“greasing and flouring“….….”parchment circles“….Have you looked at a recipe and wondered what the author really meant by these phrases? what purpose does pan preparation serve in baking… is it really
DIY Bake Even Strips
DIY BAKE EVEN STRIPS- ARTICLE & PICTURE TUTORIAL This article is part of a series, 10 steps to succeed in Baking. Let’s talk Science ! How does a cake bake?
Measuring DRY and WET ingredients- Know the difference
Accurate measurements and precisely followed recipes also are key factors to successful baking. Even a slight imbalance in proportion of wet to dry ingredients may affect the outcome in certain
Secret to tender cakes!! Cake flour preparation: Mix-Sift-Fluff Theory
Flour preparation is the first most crucial step in baking. It is the process of combining dry ingredients together to create an evenly blended mix. Sifting is a common term